
Ingram’s Magazine: October 2014

Lessons from the Underdog

If it hasn’t already been done, a registered Wikipedia user out there somewhere must surely be updating the page “Underdog (term)” to incorporate a team photo of the 2014 Kansas City Royals. Go back to May 31, when the Royals…more

The Truly Daffy Demonization of the Brothers Koch

As Wichita’s Koch family has learned the hard way, the surest way to make mortal enemies in contemporary America is to build a hugely successful business, stick to your principles, and care about the future of your country. A bantam-weight…more

Boosting Charities Is More Than a Bottom-Line Concern

We can all agree the way we did business 20, 10, even five years ago, has changed. No matter the industry, products and services have evolved, technology has vastly improved, and above all, customer expectations have risen. It’s not enough…more

The Employer Mandate’s Torturous Tail

The Affordable Care Act comes into full bloom in January with implementation of the law’s employer mandate, the obligation on all but the smallest employers to offer health coverage to full-time workers or face penalties. Most employers are prepared to…more

Stress Test

According to statistics compiled from various sources by the American Public Health Association, the leading health-related causes lost productivity in the workplace include: Cancer: $135 billion. Heart conditions: Nearly $95 billion. Diabetes: $69 billion. That comes up to an impressive…more

Ag Roots Run Deep

Lots and lots of land hereabouts—admittedly, expropriated from the original tenants—called out to a nation of immigrants, expansionists and opportunists in the 19th century. Fertile as it was, though, the ground underfoot didn’t make Missouri and Kansas the farming and…more

What CEOs want to talk about.

Everyone tells you to meet with the decision-maker. Everyone tells you to meet with the CEO. No one, however, seems to offer any advice on what to say when you get to that meeting, what to do when you get…more

Top Doctors 2014

It’s a Top Doctors moment: When the diagnosis comes in, when you stare into the face of a serious health issue or physical impairment, one that could affect not just you, but your family and your livelihood, it’s natural to…more

Women Executives • Kansas City

Cindy Wallis-Lage  |  Black & Veatch Cindy Wallis-Lage’s passion for science was instilled in her from her grandfather, who was a science teacher. “His love of science, and his introduction of the that to me, sparked my interest in having…more

Livin’ Large – and High

Have you seen any of those before-and-after photos of Downtown Kansas City, comparing what it looks like today from the pre-development-boom years before 2000? Both of those images are fixed in Lindsay Tatro’s mind, and in her daily life. The…more

A Royal Reunion

The energy at Kauffman Stadium these days is electric. It’s a force that’s been popping all over the Kansas City region for months, and as mid-October approached, was sending a buzz across the nation. The Royals, the unlikely underdogs, find…more

Cancer in KC

A little more than a year ago, Timothy Pluard made the cross-state career trek from St. Louis to become medical director for Saint Luke’s Cancer Institute in Kansas City. It was an opportunity to get involved in an area of…more