
Ingram's Magazine: July 2017

Ingram’s 2017 Corporate Report 100

There’s no mystery about what’s moving fast-growth companies in this market: It’s real estate. Residential real estate, to be more precise, as sales of homes in a market starving for more single-family residential propelled nearly a dozen companies onto this…more

A Look Inside the Finer Points of Letters of Intent

You are discussing the terms of a possible deal—maybe it’s a sale agreement or a lease. But now you want to take the next step. Should you negotiate and sign a letter of intent? If so, what should it say?…more

Leveraging Tech Means Finding the Right Fulcrum Point

As business owners, we hear it every day: “Leverage technology” for growth, quality, scale or some other purpose. It makes logical sense; as contemporaries we have all seen the impact of technology on most aspects of our life. But what…more

Legal Industry Outlook Report

Important Distinctions The nuances of mediation and arbitration, by now, are part of the DNA of those around the table, but there are, for the layman, important distinctions between these two tools for resolving disputes without the cost of litigation…more

Growing Our Own

When you ponder the current state of work-force development, consider this: Unemployment nationwide hit 4.3 percent in June, the lowest level in 16 years. That, following the departure of an estimated 800,000 Americans—65 or older—from the work force in the…more

Balancing Acts

When you look at American law schools today—the types of students, their numbers and the kinds of subject matter being taught, two trends immediately jump out: There are significantly fewer students enrolled today, nation-ally and regionally, than there were in…more

Sales Success: Of Character, and Characteristics

Herewith, a list of sales success characteristics. They represent the elements that make a salesperson successful.  But here’s the secret: Before you make judgments about others and how they compare to the list, first judge yourself. Measure yourself against the…more

In the Digital Era, Don’t Overlook Role of Tradeshows

Old-fashioned? Only in the sense that meeting new prospects and increasing your sales are old-fashioned concepts.  In today’s B2B marketing climate, there are dozens of methods to reach clients, and hundreds of channels. Almost no other medium, however, can compare…more

The 2017 Corporate Report 100

  #1 Vazquez Commercial Contracting Growth: 909.49% Average Annual Growth: 303.16% Gross Revenue:   2016: $19,426,804      2013: $1,924,413 Full-time employees: 29 Let your mind drift back to 2008. “What a crazy year,” Joe Vazquez recalls, “to begin a…more