
Ingram's Magazine: August 2020

Ingram’s 2020 Best of the Best Edition

Ingram's 2020 Best of the Best Digital Edition     more

Ingram’s 2020 Best of the Best

For 32 years, readers of Ingram’s have sounded off on their favorite restaurants, and for many of those years, on their favorite business service providers, favorite products, and favorite cultural and entertainment venues. It’s been a happy alliance with consumers…more

Q&A With…Tim Chadwick: The Power of ESOPs

Q: MMC Corp’s ESOP has been in place for quite a while. Can you tell us a bit about how well the value proposition of that model has held up for your organization?
 A: Our ESOP started in 1999, when the…more

Keeping Health Care Healthy

Think about this number for a moment: $323 billion. That’s what the American Hospital Association projects will be the financial toll imposed by COVID-19 on medical centers and health systems in the U.S. by the end of this year. Nearly…more

There Really Are Five Seasons in a Business Year

That would be open enrollment season, which brings the most questions for employers and employees alike. Sure, options and choices are good, but they can cause consternation for even the most informed employee. Aside from worrying about their own health and…more

In Cash-Conscious Era, Bartering Favors the Small

Business people have been trading goods and services for centuries. Frontier fur trappers traded furs for salt, gun powder, flour and other necessities. They seldom exchanged cash—there was just no reason for it. Trading was just the best way to…more

Transitions 2020: Retirement Lifestyles

Meet Bill. For four decades, he’s owned manufacturing company, one he took from half a dozen employees at start-up to more than 200 today. Over those years, he built something sustainable, something that is now in demand from other companies…more

Retiring Abroad? Do Your Homework.

Golfing, hiking, lounging, sailing, volunteering: whatever your retirement dream, ensuring that it stays blissful requires planning. This is especially true for folks considering retirement abroad. The laws that may apply to finances, health care, and other daily living must be…more

A Heaping Helping of Pain

Once upon a time, not so long ago, the crowds would pack into BB’s Lawnside BBQ for the array of smoked meats, zesty side dishes, cold beer, bread pudding and, of course, great blues. The place has long been a…more

Sorry, TINA: There Are Alternatives for Investors

Remember TINA? She was that alluring goddess of double-digit investment returns for much of the past decade. Near-zero interest rates for much of that time had investors scrambling for other ways to find yield, and with stocks, TINA—There Is No…more