Ingram's Magazine: July 2014
1. Pendo Management Group 1st Year Growth: 3,877.87% Average Annual Growth Rate: 1,292.62% Gross Revenue: 2013: $8,471,671 2010: $212,970 Full-time employees: 14Take a look at these dots, and see if you can connect them the way Jeff…
As the economy slowly gains momentum, companies are hiring again and once again—many are finding that qualified candidates are not always readily available. A resource that often goes untapped involves military veterans. Despite government efforts and public-service campaigns, unemployment among…
We are all beholden to those who came before us—in some cases, long before us. Think about it: If you drive into Downtown to work from Olathe or Liberty on I-35, or from Independence on I-70, or Smithville on U.S.…
Matt Wood didn’t get into business in Kansas City thinking of himself as an exporter. When he founded SCD Probiotics in 1998, he was anticipating domestic demand for the company’s microbial product lines—like those for maintaining human health, or for…
Various medical journals in the U.S. and abroad have estimated that health-policy changes, on average, don’t crystallize until roughly 17 years after they’ve first been suggested by evidence-based research. Some, in fact, can take a lot longer: The U.S. surgeon…
For women in executive roles, one way to break the glass ceiling is to wield a hammer and do it through a combination of will, business skill, managerial competence and determination. Another way, it seems, is to own that ceiling.…