
Corporate Report 100

Continuing a Kansas City tradition, Ingram’s will salute the region’s fastest-growing companies in its 39th annual Corporate Report 100 competition, to be published in the July 2024 edition. The report will measure growth between fiscal 2020 and 2023. Public and private for-profit companies HEADQUARTERED IN KANSAS CITY’S 22-COUNTY METRO AREA WITH AT LEAST $200,000 IN SALES IN 2020 AND $1 MILLION IN SALES IN FISCAL 2023 ARE ELIGIBLE TO WIN. Deadline for consideration in 2024 is Friday, May 31, 2024.

NOTE: Companies in consideration for Top 10 recognition–generally those with growth of more than 200 percent–must submit additional verification from your accounting partners, stating revenues using the ACCRUAL accounting method. Those operating on a cash basis must submit signed statements restating those revenues as accrual equivalents. We ask this because our accounting partners consider accrual-method use the most accurate indicator of true organizational growth.