
Healthcare and Insurance

Pinnacle Regional Hospital Closing

Pinnacle Regional,in Overland Park, is apparently shutting its doors after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. In a recent letter to employees, the company's Chapter 11 trustee said that it is closing due to “unforeseen and unexpected business circumstances, including… more

Parson Approves Supplemental Budget

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson has signed a supplemental budget passed by the Missouri General Assembly, which will give the state access to federal COVID-19 relief under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. “COVID-19 has had an overwhelming… more

Sen. Moran: Federal Aid Hitting Rural Hospitals

Federal aid began flowing today to cash-strapped rural hospitals across Kansas, U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran said this morning. Although federal aid to business approved in March excluded rural hospitals owned by political subdivisions, Moran said additional federal money was being… more

KU Sees COVID-19 Patient Dip

Good Friday dawned with some good news from the University of Kansas Hospital: After holding steady at 33 for several days, the census of patients for treatment of COVID-19 has dipped to 30. In a morning news briefing, medical director… more

Q&A with: Leslie Davis, True Peace Financial Solutions/AE Wealth

Leslie Davis is the owner of True Peace Financial Solutions in Overland Park, Kan., an affiliate of Topeka-based AE Wealth, which has more than $7 billion in assets under management. She talked about challenges in the investment market right now.… more

Parson Chooses Florissant Hotel for First Alternative COVID Site

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson has chosen a Florissant hotel for Missouri's first alternative medical site for patients suffering from mild COVID-19 symptoms.  He said other sites are looking being looked at across the state for similar facilities. “Our hospitals and… more

CDC Issues Worker Guidance for COVID-19 Exposure

The CDC has issued guidance for critical infrastructure employees who might have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 to return to work. Critical-infrastructure employees are considered those who work in 16 different sectors, including those in law enforcement, janitorial staff,… more

$43 Million Going to Missouri, Kansas Health Centers

The federal Health Resources and Services Administration has announced more than $44 million in emergency funding to almost 50 health centers across Missouri and Kansas as part of the national effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 and provide treatment… more

Johnson County Urges Residents to Fill Out COVID-19 Survey

In an effort to better understand how the Coronavirus is spreading through the community, Johnson County officials want residents to fill out a short survey, not once, but several times. Johnson County Department of Health and Environment officials want residents… more

Report: Long-Term Care Industry Growing

With the greater Kansas City area’s older adult population expected to grow to more than 370,000 in the next 10 years, the health of the long-term care industry will become increasingly important. “Rising prevalence of dementia, Alzheimer’s, heart disorders, respiratory… more