
Nearly a Third of KS Rural Hospitals At Risk Of Closure, New Data Shows

A newly updated report shows Kansas has the most at "immediate risk" rural hospitals closures in the country, Missouri not far behind.

Posted July 26, 2023

Kansas leads in a report showing hundreds of rural hospitals are at risk of closing totaling 29 hospitals (28 percent) at immediate risk.

More than 300 rural hospitals across the U.S. are at immediate risk of closure due to the facility’s financials, according to a July 2023 report from the Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform.

Hospitals at this level of risk have lost money on patient services for multiple years and are not likely to receive sufficient funds to cover the losses with public assistance ending, according to the report. The report does not account for the 2020 pandemic.

While the numbers for Missouri don’t appear as drastic, the state has 8 hospitals (14 percent) that are at immediate risk as well.

According to the data, Kansas has a total of 104 rural hospitals and has had 9 closures as of 2005.

Meanwhile, Missouri has 57 rural hospitals and 10 closures since 2005.

View the full report and list of all states, here.