
Coping with COVID: Johns Hopkins releases new state-by-state COVID-19 vaccine tracker

A recently launched COVID-19 vaccine dashboard tracks the distribution of the vaccine in each state. Created by Johns Hopkins University, the tracker provides data on how many vaccines have been administered within states publicly reporting information.

Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins University created a COVID-19 vaccine data dashboard to track the administration of various vaccines across the U.S. by state.
The dashboard shows data for states publicly reporting information on the COVID-19 vaccine; some states haven’t disclosed the number of vaccines administered, according to a Business Insider report.

Last week more than 100,000 Americans received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and Moderna will start sending doses of its vaccine this week.

The state-level vaccine tracker relies on information from the Centers for Civic Impact and pairs the information with COVID-19 case data and positivity rate.

development and principles for allocation. Larry Corey, MD, of the University of Washington in St. Louis and Chris Beyrer of Johns Hopkins University also co-led a blog series discussing vaccine development.