
A New World of Investors

Adapting wealth management for a new generation requires new insights and strategies.

By Jon McGraw


The investment landscape is evolving rapidly, influenced by a new generation of investors whose outlook on retirement, homeownership, and financial security differs distinctly from previous ones. This shift demands a re-evaluation of traditional wealth management practices. 

Recent surveys reveal a startling trend: a significant portion of young workers harbor doubts about the future of Social Security, and as an extension, their own financial futures. This skepticism is often compounded by the increasing difficulty of achieving homeownership, once a staple of the American dream and often, a fundamental component of building one’s balance sheet. 

The traditional three-legged stool of retirement-employer contributions, employee savings, and Social Security is perceived as wobbling, if not outright collapsing. Furthermore, with average rents soaring beyond $2,000 a month, saving for a home, let alone retirement, seems like an inaccessible objective to younger generations. 

These apprehensions and are dedicated to crafting solutions that not only address current concerns but also build resilience for the future. 

Real Personal Strategies

Recognizing the limitations of traditional savings, younger generations benefit from using a formula combining multiple benefits of tax reduction, income creation and the accomplishment of their unique objectives. When the focus shifts from the traditional “save to retire” mentality to the “save in the right type of account to reduce your tax bill by X percent and be able to accomplish Y” the actions become personal. Weave in real, or perceived concerns such as the failure of the Social Security system, and address these concerns by providing multiple options. In the end, you want a personal plan with specific steps and measurable outcomes. 

Technology and Personalization: The younger the participants, the more they appreciate technology to confirm their progress. Digital platforms offer clients unparalleled access to their investments, educational resources, and tailored advice. This technology-driven approach ensures that investors remain well-informed, engaged, and in control of their financial journeys. 

A Holistic Perspective

Beyond mere numbers, we believe in a comprehensive approach to financial well-being. This includes areas of importance to the next generation, and includes debt management, savings strategies for home ownership, lifestyle protection using umbrella insurance policies and disability insurance, basic estate documents allowing someone to assist in a time of need rather than estate planning just for asset transition at death and more. 

The role of financial advisers is evolving. The industry is dividing into asset managers and wealth managers. Those of us who have selected wealth management must continue to address the growing need for education, empowerment, and strategic foresight, offering guidance that demystifies the wealth management process and builds confidence among multigenerational clients. 

For young investors grappling with the uncertainties of Social Security and the challenges of homeownership, personalized strategies and a vision of hope and pragmatism are essential to long-term success. The path to financial security may look different than it did for previous generations, but with the right strategies, tools, and guidance, it is entirely achievable. 

The Path Forward

As we navigate this new era of wealth management, the partnership between investors and their advisors has never been more crucial. Investor success today requires wealth managers who offer end-to-end design, implementation, and management of complex wealth strategies. They are more than just advisors; they are allies, educators, and innovators. Together, they create blueprints for financial success that acknowledge financial realities, proactively adjust for a changing world and build toward a more secure tomorrow. 

For those seeking to embark on this journey, know that your aspirations and concerns are valid. To navigate the complexities of modern financial planning, your ideal wealth-management partner will offer both the personalized service and the broad insights necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world.

About the author

Jon McGraw is CEO of Buttonwood Financial Group in Kansas City.

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