Ingram’s Advertising Agreement
Your interest in advertising with Ingram’s connects you with the most influential business decision-makers in the Kansas City region. Simply click the Ingram’s logo for the fillable document, then send a copy of the completed form to If you have any questions, please call us at 816.842.9994, or send an email to Joe Sweeney,, or Michelle Sweeney,

Ingram’s Ad Agreement
Download your Ingram’s ALL-IN, 12-13x, 8-11x or 4-7x form, HERE.
All advertising invoices and/or statements shall be due and payable immediately, and if not paid in full within 30 days of the invoice date, shall bear an interest penalty charge at the rate of 1-3/4% per month or 21% APR for such overdue amounts from the invoice date until paid in full. A 2% discount is given for cash paid with orders. An agency commission of 15% of the gross advertising amount is allowed to responsive agencies that provide camera-ready artwork and materials, providing the account is paid in full within 30-days of invoice date. Miscellaneous charges such as advertising production, courier charges, insert handling, reprints and mechanical charges are not commissionable. There will be no commission for any ad that must be corrected and/or revised by Publisher. If this contract is not fulfilled for any reason, the Company will be short-rated, (unless otherwise noted below and/or on the opposite side), and charged the appropriate applicable earned rate, which means that the rate on past and subsequent insertions will be readjusted to conform with the actual space and frequency used when it is less than the space and frequency originally contracted for by the Company. Note: Frequency advertising programs that include a value-added bonus ad insertion are non-cancelable. Short rate applies to other canceled advertising programs.