Feb 23, 2017
In 2010, activists succeeded in getting a proposition on the Missouri ballot with the title, “Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act.” Not surprisingly, the measure passed. At the time, I commented on KCPT’s Kansas City Week in Review that if I…
Jan 27, 2017
“You found paradise in America,” Don Corleone tells Bonasera, the mortician, in the opening scene of The Godfather. “You had a good trade. You made a good living. The police protected you and there were courts of law.” As Don…
Oct 17, 2016
Random Thoughts: We may not retire independently wealthy, but I have to tell you that serving as publisher of Ingram’s for 20 years (come February) has enabled me to get to know thousands of the brightest and most talented business…
Oct 17, 2016
Some years back, we had a yard sale. I put all the sundry flotsam and jetsam out front, as people normally do, and waited for the eager customers to come flocking by. Alas, “flocking” did not prove to be the…
Sep 16, 2016
An interesting but rarely discussed tradition among my siblings is the celebration of our 59th birthdays. My father, regrettably, passed away when he was 58 as a result of metastatic melanoma cancer. His father was tragically killed in a car…
Sep 16, 2016
Capitalizing on personal and community tragedy, the forces of ever-bigger government disregard facts—as well as decency. On Sunday, Aug. 7, 10-year-old Caleb Schwab died tragically while descending the 168-foot Verruckt water slide at the Schlitterbahn water park…
Jun 23, 2016
Identity theft is a growing problem in the U.S. and in the global economy. But what are we prepared to do about it? Somewhere in Michigan is an opportunist who has identified a means of generating capital, perhaps to operate…
Jun 23, 2016
So Why All The Hysteria About Kansas Schools?If you set aside the emotional issues that underpin the debate, the numbers and facts completely reframe the discussion.OK, let’s start this essay with a quiz: Who makes more, the departing superintendent of…