Oct 16, 2020
Husch Blackwell attorney Timothy Hilton does a good job on Page 15 of this edition, exploring concerns and the potential liability associated with discussing politics and the election in the work place. But let’s be honest: Do you think many…
Oct 16, 2020
Strange things happen in Westport. I know, because I office there. Enough strange things happen that I had taken to calling my neighborhood “The Westport Autonomous Zone,” WAZ for short, after Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ. As the ethnically…
Sep 15, 2020
I can honestly say this was one of the most interesting and challenging editions of Ingram’s I’ve ever worked on. It’s also one of the most important. Let me tell you why. The Ingram’s 250 isn’t a popularity contest. We…
Aug 14, 2020
Perhaps it’s a sign of aging, but despite being an optimist, I find myself increasingly complaining about terrible customer service. We have several vacation rental homes at the Lake of the Ozarks, and anyone vested in the lake region knows…
Aug 14, 2020
As unlikely as it seems, greater Kansas City finds itself in a position to benefit from the madness that has deranged America these last six months. Much depends on our elected officials, most notably Quinton Lucas, the mayor of the…
Aug 14, 2020
YORKTOWN, Va. — Nearly 240 years after the battle that helped birth a nation, the siege-line earthworks dug by George Washington’s soldiers here don’t look like much: Long mounds of grass-covered dirt, separated by walking trails designed to keep visitors…
Jul 15, 2020
Thirty-five years is a long time to administer the Corporate Report 100 ranking, and it’s hard to believe that our ownership team just concluded its 24th consecutive ranking. We’ve seen it all over the years and I can’t begin to…
Jul 15, 2020
Kansas City is the only major city in the country whose police force is controlled by the state. There is a two-word answer to the question of why this is so. Those two words are “Tom Pendergast.” Elected to no…
Jul 15, 2020
For 35 years now, Ingram’s has spotlighted companies with extraordinary revenue growth, the kinds of entrepreneurial ventures that can become pillars of the regional economy decades from now. Or, in some cases, be gone years—even months—from now. This year, our…
Jun 15, 2020
In less than nine minutes, a Minneapolis police officer by the name of Derek Chauvin and the three stooges who accompanied him created arguably the nation’s biggest racial flashpoint since the 1991 Rodney King beating and riots that swept Los…