Jan 19, 2021
We love history, and Michelle and I greatly enjoy exploring regions during those rare opportunities for leisurely travel. Operating a small hands-on business with always-ambitious plans and live-or-die deadlines makes it difficult to get away. Ingram’s readers can certainly relate…
Jan 7, 2021
Jan. 6, 2021, has already been recorded among the most frustrating, disappointing and maddening days in the lives of many Americans. I’d like to say that I’m in disbelief with the attack on the Capitol on Wednesday. Yet I’m not…
Dec 15, 2020
On Friday, the 13th of March, our Ingram’s team sat down for a lengthy discussion about the coronavirus and the decision to close our offices at the end of that day. I felt like a coach consoling a team after…
Dec 15, 2020
On his Facebook page, my friend Steven recently posted the following item. In these trying and contentious times, it is a message well worth heeding: All I can say is 11/13/13 was a very emotional and joyous day and today…
Dec 15, 2020
It’s tough to be an optimist these days. Especially if you have an over-developed interest in the health and welfare of the regional and national business communities. As this God-awful business year limps to a conclusion, new concerns about operating…
Dec 8, 2020
On Friday, the 13th of March, our Ingram’s team sat down for a lengthy discussion about the coronavirus and the decision to close our offices at the end of that day. I felt like a coach consoling a team after…
Nov 13, 2020
Even at an advanced age, with the siren of retirement warming up off-stage, it’s possible for anyone with an open mind to learn a few things. With a little self-introspection, one might even come to change one’s own mind about…
Nov 13, 2020
Some years ago—many actually—I picked up a bird’s nest that landed on my front lawn. On examination, I noticed that the nest was constructed largely of string, little circles of string laced together. On reflection, I realized these were the…
Nov 10, 2020
I believe in and greatly value democracy. But I have to ask: After 244 years and 45 presidential administrations, how in God’s name could America make the historic blunders it has witnessed throughout the 2020 election cycle? I fear that…
Oct 16, 2020
Ever since it became clear that Joe Biden would be the Democratic standard-bearer in 2020, I turned the knob on my interest in the presidential race to zero. Then broke it off. I was never a big Donald Trump fan,…