KCI terminal developer, Clark Construction Group LLC, will begin construction of two correctional facilities to replace the 126-year-old prison in Leavenworth, Kansas.
Posted October 31, 2023
The groundbreaking ceremony for the $532 million Leavenworth federal prison and satellite prison camp took place Monday as Kansas politicians mark the start of a project that will replace the 126-year-old prison.
Congress appropriated $532 million for the construction of the new project the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Leavenworth and additionally, the Federal Prison Camp (FCP) that will accompany the new facility will be constructed over three years and is expected to be completed in May 2026.
FCI will encompass approximately 560,000 square feet as well as house 1,400 – 1,500 inmates. Both the FCI and the FCP are expected to staff around 340 correctional officers and additional staff.
Prison officials say no decision about future use of the old penitentiary complex has been made public, The Kansas Reflector reported Monday.
Bethesda, Maryland-based Clark Construction Group LLC will helm the development project. Clark Construction was one firm that aided in the construction of the new Kansas City International Airport terminal earlier this year.