Lia McIntosh Director, KC Rising. Photo provided by KC Rising.
Q: What were the key takeaways to come from Horizon 2023 as well as more timely challenges that Kansas City business leaders face?
I think out of necessity business leaders are collaborating more.
A: Well, part of our presentations surrounds the importance of education for the workforce, that not only includes K-12 education to get young people ready, it also includes adults that need training and opportunity to enter new sectors of the economy as it continues to change. What we do know is that technology continues to accelerate and business needs continue to change so it’s a topic of conversation that’s ongoing, the need for people to be trained and ready for new types of work.
One example that’s well known is the new Panasonic (De Soto) battery plant that will be built, it will employ 4000 people. Those people will need to be trained in technology to work at that plant.
Q: Personally, what are some factors as to what business leaders should be looking or striving toward in the near future after attending the event?
A: I’m inspired that the 200 people who came together at Horizon are an example of the collaboration that will be needed for Kansas City to continue to grow, economically. The workforce challenges that many industries are experiencing are only solved when we work together with education organizations that can get talent ready to fill those jobs. We work with our school systems to get young people prepared to step into the jobs of the future. Economic development organizations who are attracting businesses to Kansas City, we are ready to support the needs that those businesses have and we’re working with our sports, arts and culture organizations to make Kansas City the kind of place where people want to live and grow and bring their families. I would emphasize the need to continue to collaborate and work together on those biggest challenges.
Q: As Kansas City continues to expand and acquire major partnership attractions like with FIFA, are business leaders using enough available resources to them, such as KC Rising, to better prepare for the future?
A: I think out of necessity business leaders are collaborating more. For something like the World Cup, it will take a massive collaboration of businesses, government and nonprofits. We are realizing the more opportunity we get as Kansas City, the more we have to work together. So yes, I believe intelligent business leaders recognize that it takes collaboration. Another example of collaboration is working directly with the communities of people who are right here in Kansas City. So as we host big events or we bring a new employer or we grow new businesses through entrepreneurship, that happens with the people that are already here. And that’s the inclusive part of prosperity.
Q: Horizon is supposed to be a celebration of business, how was that represented and what topics emphasize the importance of how business will evolve and reflect growth?
A: I would add the importance of entrepreneurship to grow the economy was a big topic. Entrepreneurship is where innovation stimulates the economy. We want as a region to be the kind of place where people can start new businesses and get capital to support and grow it. So we want to foster entrepreneurship while we foster industry with big business already here whether that’s hospital system, healthcare or life sciences. Along with industry, we must have innovation through entrepreneurship. It’s a significant part of our focus because many of the new jobs that are created come from young firms, entrepreneurs growing businesses and hopefully staying right here in Kansas City and growing with us.