
Missouri ranks number 40 for teacher salary in 2020

Data on K-12 teachers nationwide ranks teacher pay in each state, Missouri and Kansas ranking toward the bottom of the list at 40 and 44 respectively and showing that nationally, U.S. teachers make 6.7 percent less than the average salary.

An adjustment in classrooms nationwide due to the coronavirus has led to deeper look into teachers’ salaries, data on K-12 showing where teacher pay falls in each state.

A report by business.org shows that both Missouri and Kansas rank toward the end of the list, Missouri at 40 and Kansas at 44.

Average Missouri teacher salary comes in around $50,064 according to the report, while in Kansas the average teacher salary shows $49,800.

The state offering the best pay nationally is New York, reports business.org. The lowest paying state is Virginia with the worst relative pay for teachers.

Included in the report was percent change in salary since 2010 and 2018. For Missouri, the average salary changed -5.50% in 2010 and -0.50% in 2018. In Kansas, the average change in 2010 was -8.70% and -1.90% in 2018.

Overall, on a national level, data shows that teachers make $61,189, or 6.7% less than the national average salary of other professions.