
KU Med Testing Hydroxychloroquine

The University of Kansas Medical Center will participate in a nationwide clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a drug that is said to reduce the symptoms of COVID-19.

The hospital’s hope is to prevent COVID-19 infection in exposed health care workers. KU is one of 60 organizations nationally that is participating in the clinical trial, which is being headed up by the Duke Clinical Research Institute.

“At this point in the pandemic, hospitals are reporting that 20% of U.S. health care workers are becoming infected with COVID-19. When that happens, one in five must go into quarantine and cannot take care of patients,” said physician Mario Castro, who is vice chair for clinical and translational research and pulmonologist at KU’s School of Medicine, in a press release. “This study is critical for safeguarding the personal health of these workers and for protecting the health care workforce at this critical time. Our hope is that this drug will decrease the risk of exposed workers developing an active COVID-19 infection.”

KU hopes to recruit 500 participants in the study.

Read KU’s full press release here.