Kansas has performed less COVID-19 tests than states with similar, or even smaller, populations, according to a recent partnership between the U.S. Census and other organizations, including this heat map, which shows the number of tests per state.
As of yesterday, Kansas, with a population of just more than 2.9 million, has performed 17,676 tests. New Mexico, with just over two million, has conducted nearly 36,000 tests. Meanwhile, Kansas has 86 deaths, while New Mexico reported 51 as of yesterday.
West Virginia, with 1.9 million residents, a million less than Kansas, has conducted 19,000 tests, and that state has reported 16 deaths.
Meanwhile, Missouri, with a population of just over 6.1 million, has conducted 53,759 tests. Maryland, just below Missouri in population with just over six million residents, has done 65,370 tests, though that state is near high-density East Coast states with high death rates. It has reported 463 deaths compared to Missouri’s 175. Indiana, with a higher population than Missouri, at 6.7 million has conducted 56,873 tests. Indiana has reported 545 deaths.