
Kansas December tax collections up $64.5M

Total tax collections during the last month of 2020 were up $64.5 million – 9.1 percent – in December with $770.2 million collected. Compared to the same month last year, this was a 1.8 percent increase.

Kansas’ December total tax collections continues the state’s trend of outperforming the estimate, and outperforming the previous, December. 

Total tax collections were up $64.5 million, or 9.1%, for the month with $770.2 million collected.  That is a $13.6 million, or 1.8%, increase from the previous December.

For December, retail sales tax collections were 0.5%, or nearly a million dollars, more than the same month of last fiscal year. Compensating use tax collections grew 34.4%, or $13.4 million, over last December with the collection of $52.1 million. 

Individual income tax collections were $306.7 million; an increase of 2.2%, or $6.7 million, above the estimate. 

Corporate income tax collections were $99.2 million for the month, or 65.4%, more than estimated. That is $8.5 million, or 9.4%, more than last December.