Electric Vehicles in Kansas could triple in the next five years. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Posted August 17, 2023
Kansas residents who drive electric vehicles are in demand of more fueling stations and the demand will only continue to grow, however, plans are in place to remedy the situation.
Tami Alexander—transportation electrification manager with the Kansas Department of Transportation—says $39.5 million in federal money is aiding in the installment of new charging stations across Kansas such as U.S. 400, I-135, the Kansas turnpike and areas going north out of Salina, KSNW reported Monday.
“One way or another, this is coming, so we need to be prepared,” Alexander told KSNW.
In the article, KSN also spoke with Dr. Visvakumar Aravinthan, Ph.D. and Department Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Wichita State University to determine if Kansas is prepared for the eventual EV boom.
Aravinthan projects that the amount of Kansas residents driving electric vehicles will triple in the next five years and electric vehicles are indeed here to stay.