A recently developed tool from the Georgia Institute of Technology provides anyone with access to internet the ability to use an interactive map that calculates the risk of contracting COVID-19 at an event.
The map displays the current risk level percentage in each U.S county, showing the estimated chance of that at least 1 COVID-19 positive individual will be present at an event in a county.
Created for those debating on whether or not to attend an event, the interactive map allows users to measure the attendance size of an event. Automatic readjustments show the percent risk of contracting COVID-19 in a particular county or region.
The online tool uses the number of cases reported in the last 14 days across most U.S. counties.
Based on the level of a pathogen in a population, the tool states that the data provided assumes there are ten times more cases than are being reported. In places with more testing availability, that rate may be lower.