
Antibody test incentive from American Red Cross

To entice more blood donations during a time of shortage brought on by COVID-19, the American Red Cross is offering to test all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies.

The need for blood donations has not gone away despite blood drive cancellations in recent months.

Demand for donors is high, and the American Red Cross has announced that for a limited time, they will test all donations for COVID-19 antibodies in order to incentivize the public to donate.

The offer includes a test on all blood, platelet and plasma donations, and lets donors know if they have been exposed to the virus.

“Cancer patients are still fighting cancer. Car accidents are still happening and people need vital blood products to save their lives. The only way that’s available is if we roll up our sleeves and donate blood,” Communications and Marketing with the American Red Cross of Missouri and Arkansas, Angie Springs, said.

While only offered for a limited time, the announcement has already attracted a sizeable numbers of donors.

“We have seen a ton of first-time donors, which is phenomenal that you’re seeing people that are stepping up,” Springs said.