
A.L. Huber Construction Enters Employee Stock Ownership Program

A.L. Huber Construction is now a 100% employee-owned company.

Posted February 3, 2025

Overland Park-based A.L. Huber Construction announced its 122 year-old firm has become a 100% employee-owned company.

As a 100% employee-owned company, the 60-person staff now own shares that will continue to grow in value as the company grows, according to a release on Thursday.

The added compensation benefit aims to help the company keep talented professionals. Advantages include a retirement fund and a way to build wealth over time while individuals are still working.

“I am so happy for our team to become owners and for everybody to enjoy success now and be rewarded into retirement,” CEO of A.L. Huber, Phil Thomas, said in the release. “I am confident A.L. Huber will continue to thrive as our new owners move the company forward.”

Founded in 1903 when the firm began just building houses, A.L. Huber is a commercial construction firm with a portfolio that includes corporate offices, financial institutions, warehouses, manufacturing plants, and educational institutions.

“We are thankful for this significant milestone and thoughtfully reflect on our company’s history that has gotten us to this point. We appreciate the dedication and hard work of our team and look to the future with great anticipation,” Thomas said.

Thomas was recently named an honoree of Ingram’s 2024 Local Heroes for his nearly 40-year journey with A.L. Huber Construction.