
$43 Million Going to Missouri, Kansas Health Centers

By Dennis Boone

The federal Health Resources and Services Administration has announced more than $44 million in emergency funding to almost 50 health centers across Missouri and Kansas as part of the national effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 and provide treatment for those affected.

More than $27.7 million of that will go to 29 centers in Missouri, including Swope Health Care ($1.66 million, the Samuel U. Rodgers Clinic ($1.1 million) and the Kansas City Care Clinic ($838,000) in the Kansas City area. 

On the Kansas side, $17.3 million is being dispersed to 19 clinics, including the Health Partnership Clinic in Olathe ($881,000), Heartland Medical Clinic in Lawrence ($674,000), Atchison Community Health Clinic ($552,000). An additional $634,000 is going to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. 

More information on the HRSA initiative is available here: https://bphc.hrsa.gov/emergency-response/coronavirus-cares-FY2020-awards