Email still rules. Are you connecting or being deleted?

If your emails are getting deleted or not getting returned, or you're playing a numbers game—sending 1,000 and hoping for a few random responses— you're probably also blaming the recipient or the Internet for the lack of response.

Wake up and smell the dictionary, Sparky! It ain’t them.

Emails are to introduce, engage, ask a question, give an idea or an answer, create opportunity, make an appointment, confirm a meeting. Emails are for sending a message, a thank you, a reminder, or a brief offer. Emails are not a sales pitch.

But you’re the smartest guy or gal in the world, and you want to hurry up and make more sales this week and you have a list of prospects so why not blah, blah, blah … and get deleted.

Note well: Deleted emails also create negative thoughts and images in the mind of the recipient. They brand you and they create reputation. If you’re getting a 9 percent response, it means 91 percent of the people you sent the email to are somewhere between annoyed and pissed off.

I’m about to share the essence of what will get your email opened and responded to: writing. Creative writing. Engaging, creative writing that leads the recipient to read and respond.

But, before I begin, here’s why most emails fail: You know little or nothing about the recipient. And worse, you struggle to create some snappy “subject line” so your email will be opened.

Here are a few ideas on how to write an initial email, a follow-up email, a follow-through email, and all sorts of relat-ionship-building emails.

Start prepared. Before you write a word, Google the recipient, then do a complete social media search (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube). Now you’re ready with information they may pay attention to—information about THEM. Engaging them, about them, is more likely to gain response than engaging them about you.

Note from 1937: See Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People and keep this still-applicable quote in mind: “You can make more friends in two months by becoming more interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you.”

Make it short. I’m way too busy to read your life story, or why you’re great, or why your product is great. I’ve got mother Google for that—and for information on you!

Here’s the secret: Word count. Copy your message into a word processing program to check the word count. Remember: the shorter the better; 200 words is a long email.

Make the message germane to your expected outcome. I usually ask a question or two, make a statement or two, and end with: Best Regards, Jeffrey. I’ll use formal capital letters and good grammar until I have established a relationship. I’m more friendly than formal in my content, and I’m always myself. Same with humor, I don’t inject it until I’m certain the recipient of my email has some (humor). And when I do, it’s HUMOR—not jokes and not cartoons.

And, did I mention? It’s an email, not a sales pitch.

If you’re writing an initial email, make your name clickable to something that will build credibility like your blog, your business Facebook page, or your LinkedIn profile.

If you’re using email as a follow-up to a promise you made (like a quote, proposal, or answering a question), attach a PDF and keep the body of the message short, sweet, and friendly.

If you’re connecting with an after-the-sale follow-through, ask for a coffee meeting or a brief phone call. Mention anything that you share common ground on (sports, kids, interests). I often attach a relevant photo.

There are lots of other email uses. A business message, an announcement, a service message, a casual message to stay in touch and build a relationship. Whatever the message is, make certain the content has value for the recipient.

I would be remiss if I didn’t include the mysterious “how to write a subject line.” My subject line on an initial email is, “from Jeffrey Gitomer.” Subject lines should be simple, but intriguing. For example: “productivity leads to profit” or “maximum production leads to maximum profit.” Or you can use one word that might impact the recipient like “profit,” “idea,” or “message.” It helps if you understand whom you are trying to connect with. (See above under START PREPARED.)

If you’re serious about wanting to send impressive emails, offers the only customized email alternative. Take a look. It will immediately brand you, differentiate you from all other look-alike emails, and WOW! the recipient. If you want to see a few samples, go to and enter ACE EMAILS in the GitBit box.

If you’re tired of your emails getting deleted or you’re frustrated because your emails aren’t being responded to, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Return to Ingram's September 2011

Jeffrey Gitomer is author of The Little Red Book of Selling and The Little Red Book of Sales Answers.
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