
Ingram's Magazine: August 2016


May You Live in Interesting Times!

There’s some question about whether the Chinese actually had a saying often interpreted by Westerners as a curse clothed in the garments of well wishes: “May you live in interesting times.” Well, even if it didn’t originate there, it’s still…more

Does ‘Jackson’ County Have A Future?

Now that President Andrew Jackson is getting thrown off the $20 bill, civic leaders in Jackson County have to be wondering whether they will be forced to rename their county. If so, they will be in good company. The name…more

Our Economy Is Truly Global—as Those Watching the Federal Reserve Learn

Global events—including the United Kingdom’s vote to exit the European Union—are playing a greater role in driving all markets and economic policies than in the past. As a result, U.S.-based views of interest rate normalization require revision. We’re focusing increasingly…more

With Insurance Renewal Season Here, Are You Asking the Right Questions?

It’s that time of year again. As we move nearer the fourth quarter, employers are once again facing tough questions regarding their employee benefit plans. During this annual renewal and open enrollment period, more than ever, difficult decisions must be…more

Changes in Federal, State Estate Tax Laws Should Warrant a Shift in Your Strategies

Estate planning was long dominated by estate tax planning. In the not-too-distant past, state and federal estate taxes were applicable to a broad spectrum of clients, and the taxes themselves were constantly in flux because of legislative changes. Now, most…more

Don’t Sell Short. Get the Price You Deserve.

You want the deal badly. You need the business. You suspect that your price is too high to begin with. So what do you do? You lower your price rather than negotiate. Most salespeople are afraid to stand by their…more


2016 Best of Business Kansas City Awards

Go Ahead: Discriminate      Thanks to America’s decades-long descent into the dark waters of political correctness, the concept of someone practicing what we call “discrimination” has come to evoke immediate—and often unpleasant—reactions from the masses.     But let…more

The Bust in the Boom

In December 2008—the same year that the oldest members of the Baby Boom generation became eligible to file for early Social Security retirement benefits—the board of governors for the Federal Reserve Bank responded to that autumn’s financial crisis by dropping…more

Access Ability

If you look around, you can see the face of health-care delivery in the Kansas City region changing right before your eyes. It might be with a Mosaic Life Care’s gleaming medical offices and lifestyle-wellness centers in the Northland, or…more

Ingram’s 2016 Election Guide

Missouri Governor’s Race Takes Center Stage INGRAM’S PROVIDES WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR THE NOVEMBER ELECTION In its obsession with Kansas politics in general and its Ahab-like pursuit of Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback in particular, The Kansas City Star—much…more